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Communication Chain/Who to Contact

The North Syracuse Central School District has developed these guidelines to promote direct, open communication and ensure that questions and concerns can be addressed in an effective manner. This site will help connect you with the appropriate staff regarding various concerns so that students, parents and residents can have their questions answered quickly and efficiently. Website links are provided in each area and many questions may be able to resolved by looking on the appropriate website. If the website cannot provide the answers you need and if you concern is not resolved through your initial contact, move on to the second contact and so on until your concern has been addressed. 
Building Space Usage (Outside Organizations)
Classroom Instruction/Curriculum
Classroom Issues
Communications - District Level
Dignity for All Students (DASA)
Employment and Certification
Fine Arts
FOIL Requests
Food Services
Graduation Requirements/Guidance/Career Services
Health Concerns
Mental Health Concerns/Intervention Counseling
Policies - Board of Education
School Events
Special Education
Student Scheduling
Website - Buildings
Website - District


Step 1: Activity/Club Advisor
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Director of Fine Arts and Co-Curricular, Daryle Redmond
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: Coach
Step 2: Director of Athletics, Timothy Bednarski
Step 3: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: Building Main Office/Attendance Office/Nurse
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3 for students in Grades K-4: Director of ELA and Elementary Education, Jamie Sullivan
Step 3 for students in Grades 5-12: Executive Director for Data, Accountability and School Improvement, Donna Marie Norton
Step 4: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 5: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Donald F.X. Keegan
Step 2: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Building Space Usage (Outside Organizations)

Step 1: Fill out request form
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Director of Facilities, Matthew Erwin
Step 4: Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Donald F.X. Keegan
Step 5: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Classroom Instruction/Curriculum

Step 1: Classroom Teacher
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3 for students in Grades K-4:  Director of ELA and Elementary Education, Jamie Sullivan
Step 3 for students in Grades 5-12: Subject Area Director
Step 4: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 5: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Classroom Issues

Step 1: Classroom Teacher
Step 2: Building Principal 
Step 3 for students in Grades K-4: Director of ELA and Elementary Education, Jamie Sullivan
Step 3 for students in Grades 5-12: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: District Information Officer, Laurie Cook
Step 2: Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Donald F.X. Keegan
Step 3: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Dignity for All Students (DASA)

Step 1: Building Principal
Step 2: Director of Social Emotional Learning, TBA
Step 3: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Employment and Certification

Step 1: Human Resources Department
Step 2: TBA
Step 3: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: Building Principal
Step 2: Director of Facilities, Matthew Erwin
Step 3: Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Donald F.X. Keegan
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Fine Arts

Step 1: Teacher
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Director of Fine Arts and Co-Curricular, Daryle Redmond
Step 4: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 5: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Food Services

Step 1: Building Principal
Step 2: Director of Food Services, Wendy Swift
Step 3: Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Donald F.X. Keegan
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Graduation Requirements/Guidance/Career Services

Step 1: School Counselor
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Health Concerns

Step 1: Classroom Teacher/Building Nurse
Step 2: Nurse Supervisor, Peg Miller
Step 3: Director of Athletics, Timothy Bednarski
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Mental Health Concerns/Intervention Counseling

Step 1: Classroom Teacher
Step 2: School Counselor/School Social Worker
Step 3: School Psychologist/Building Principal
Step 4: Director of Social Emotional Learning, TBA
Step 5: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Policies - Board of Education

Step 1: District Clerk, Jilian Herrera
Step 2: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 3: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: District Registrar/High School Registrar/Building Main Office
Step 2: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 3: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: Classroom Teacher
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Donald F.X. Keegan
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

School Events

Step 1: Classroom Teacher/School Counselor
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3 for students in Grades K-4: Director of ELA and Elementary Education, Jamie Sullivan
Step 3 for students in Grades 5-12: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Special Education

Step 1: Special Education Teacher
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Director of Special Education
Step 4: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 5: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Student Scheduling

Step 1 for students in Grades K-4: Classroom Teacher
Step 1 for students in Grades 5-12: School Counselor
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: Building Main Office
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Director of Technology, Jason Clark
Step 4: Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Christopher R. Leahey
Step 5: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles


Step 1: Building Main Office/Building Principal 
Step 2: Transportation Department
Step 3: Director of Transportation, Matthew Conti
Step 4: Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Donald F.X. Keegan
Step 5: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Website - Buildings

Step 1: Building Main Office
Step 2: Building Principal
Step 3: Director of Technology, Jason Clark
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

Website - District

Step 1: District Main Office
Step 2: District Information Officer, Laurie Cook
Step 3: Associate Superintendent for Business Services, Donald F.X. Keegan
Step 4: Superintendent of Schools, Daniel D. Bowles

A complete staff directory is also available by clicking here.