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Cicero-North Syracuse High School (CNS)


Kristen Hill - Executive Principal

Diane Clancy - Executive Secretary

6002 Route 31
Cicero, NY 13039

P:  (315) 218-4100
F:  (315) 218-4185

(Student Resource Officers)
Deputy Williams:
Deputy Bickford

School Hours:
7:35 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.



Hello Northstar Nation!
Scroll down for more information. 

 Attention Seniors 
Class of 2025 January Letter
Please read the letter with exciting information about upcoming events for seniors.
This information can also be found on the Class of 2025 web page.
If you need any further information, please call your student’s counselor or Mrs. Clancy at (315) 218-4002.
Please be on the lookout for monthly updates in our Senior Newsletter.

Link to accessible CNS Letter Day Calendar

Construction at CNS...Our school's major renovation has begun!

We are in the process of having work done to the auditorium,
large gym and locker rooms. As a result, please take note of the following: 
  • The typical main entrance (by the flagpole) is now shut down. Temporary walls are set up so students and staff cannot enter the construction zone.
  • The new main entrance is located near the bus port (by the House I Principal's Office) for students and staff to enter. There are signs indicating the main entrance location. 
  • Parents should drop student off and pick student up in the upper lot of the high school. 
  • Attendance is located in room 115 across from the House I Counseling Office. The telephone numbers for the attendance offices are the same.
  • Parents are being asked not to park under the overhang after 12:45 PM when picking up students as it interferes with afternoon buses.


Important Information:
  • As you enter CNS High School, bear right.
  • Take your 1st left into the upper lot to drop-off /pick-up your student.
  • Take a left out of this upper lot to exit the campus.
  • Do not enter our student parking lots for drop-off/pick-up. They are too busy with student drivers and staff to be to accommodate pick-up and drop-off vehicles.
  • Please be patient with us. We only have one entrance and we have approximately 2,000 staff and students trying to get into and out of this building.


CNS Daily Schedule

Block Time
1/5 7:35-9:01
2/6 9:06-10:27
3E/7E 10:33-11:06 (lunch)
11:11-12:33 (class)
3M/7M 10:33-11:14 (class)
11:16-11:49 (lunch)
11:52-12:33 (class)
3L/7L 10:33-11:55 (class)
4/8 12:00-12:33 (lunch)
Dismissal 2:00
After School 2:10-3:00

2024-2025 Morning Extra Help

This year, we will be offering extra help daily from 7:15-7:30 am.
Please take advantage of this opportunity if you need assistance in any of your courses. The extra help locations are listed below:

English 214 Bambino
Social Studies 114 S. Brisson
Math 309 Demauro
Life Science: Biology 269 Glaub
Earth and Space Science 272 Vogt
Chemistry 277 Bakowski
Spanish 303 St. John
French 316 Keane

Students can also stay after school with their teachers from 2:10-3:00.
Students should check with their teachers to see which days they are available (availability may change week to week).
Teachers are usually available to stay after every day except Tuesdays and Thursdays.