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Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) services are provided by our North Syracuse Central School District TVI. This state education certified TVI travels between schools in the NSCSD to provide appropriate educational services for our visually impaired and blind students.

At the NSEEP, the TVI will assess a visually impaired student’s functional vision, visual acuity, visual development, material modifications and environmental responses indoors and outdoors. Services will address enhancing the use of the student’s residual vision and providing modifications and skills that will assist them in completing the same tasks as their sighted peers, in the classroom. A blind student will be assessed in all six developmental domains: Cognitive, Self-help, Language, Socialization, Fine Motor and Gross Motor. Pre-Braille instruction is provided as per the evaluation results and IEP goals. If Orientation and Mobility is required, services are provided through the BOCES O&M Instructor, on-site at NSEEP, as per the IEP.

Preschool services for students with a diagnosed significant visual impairment are critical to their growth and development. It is important to give them adaptive skills early, to be confident in using their residual vision and/or exploring their world through their remaining senses. Through a team effort, working with the Special Education Teacher, Psychologists, OT, PT, Speech Therapists and wonderful teaching assistants, we can provide a solid foundation for learning and ease the transition to Kindergarten.