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Wear orange against bullying for Unity

The North Syracuse Central School District is inviting our community to participate in Unity Day with us. Unity Day is a day representing the message that our society wants to promote kindness, acceptance and inclusion to prevent bullying. While we believe in fostering a positive and supportive environment each day, on Wednesday, October 16, we will collectively wear orange as a show of unity against bullying. 

Why orange?
Orange is a color commonly identified with the month of October and the fall season. It is also a color associated with safety and visibility and is described as warm and inviting. The color’s vibrancy makes an impactful statement. 

Why just a day? 
The event provides a catalyst for everyone to come together with a visual statement that our actions matter not only on one day, but every day.

We invite students, staff and families to wear orange to promote kindness, acceptance and inclusion as we work together to prevent bullying. Unity Day, organized by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month. Each year, it grows stronger, symbolizing our collective commitment to fostering a culture of kindness and support.

Wearing orange serves as a powerful reminder that those affected by bullying are not alone. Our goal is to empower individuals to speak up and extend kindness to one another. The word unity is embedded in community- together we are stronger and united. 

For more information about Unity Day and bullying prevention, please visit PACER’s resources for parents, professionals and students of all ages.